It all began in 1988 when I came out here for college. I loved the weather, and soon after met my wife of now 30 years in this beautiful town. Eventually, we moved back to Beaverton and I got a job at a company where I would continue to work for the next 17 years. Throughout my time there I worked up to a position at the corporate office as a manager, managing capital projects from painting and asphalt roofs to complete remodel projects for low-income and high-end multifamily communities– all while my wife and I were raising two growing boys.
It was when I was feeling the constant stress of being away from my family that I began observing one of our painting contractors who appeared to strike a good work-life balance. As a father and husband, the idea of a slower-paced lifestyle and being able to enjoy quality time with my family sounded picture-perfect.
I reached out to that contractor, who I fully looked up to, and he agreed to mentor me and still does to this day. It quickly became clear to my family that Bend would be a natural fit as my wife is a 5th generation Bendite. After arriving in Bend, my first job was to paint a mile-long fence. That one fence was the start of my business– a business that has developed and expanded beyond anything I could have ever imagined.

It all began in 1988 when I came out here for college. I loved the weather, and soon after met my wife of now 30 years in this beautiful town. Eventually, we moved back to Beaverton and I got a job at a company where I would continue to work for the next 17 years. Throughout my time there I worked up to corporate office manager, managing capital projects from painting and asphalt roofs to complete remodel projects for low-income and high-end multifamily communities– all while my wife and I were raising two growing boys.
It was when I was feeling the constant stress of being away from my family that I began observing one of our painting contractors who appeared to strike a good work-life balance. As a father and husband, the idea of a slower-paced lifestyle and being able to enjoy quality time with my family sounded picture-perfect.
I reached out to that contractor, who I fully looked up to, and he agreed to mentor me and still does to this day. It quickly became clear to my family that Bend would be a natural fit as my wife is a 5th generation Bendite. After arriving in Bend, my first job was to paint a mile-long fence. That one fence was the start of my business– a business that has developed and expanded beyond anything I could have ever imagined.